04 August 2024
Founded by Zhang Ke in 2001, ZAO/standardarchitecture is a leading new generation design firm engaged in practices of planning, architecture, landscape, and product design. Based on a wide range of realized buildings and landscapes in the past ten years,  the studio has emerged as one of the most critical and innovative protagonists among the new generation of Chinese architects.
ZAO/standardarchitecture 标准营造,中国目前最优秀的设计团队之一,2001年由张轲创建,其实践超越了传统的设计职业划分,涵盖了城市规划、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计及产品设计等各种专业。标准营造在一系列重要文化项目的基础上,发展了在历史文化地段中进行景观与建筑创作的特长和兴趣。
04 August 2024
ZAO 标准营造
No.1 Jia, Jiuzhou Road, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China Postcode: 101100
Tel: 86-10-62634351
ZAO 标准营造
04 August 2024
We are hiring: 
Intern, Architect, Project Architect;Experienced Product Designer and Interior Designer;
 Architect;Project Architect;
建筑实习生, 建筑师,项目建筑师,有经验的室内和产品设计师;
04 August 2024
A former industrial building at the Camerich Campus Beijing is to be transformed into a showroom space. Our concept is to design it as an “inverted Farnsworth”, rather than a conventional exhibition space that pretends to be a home. A house-type space as exhibition is the best showroom for presenting furniture.
17 April 2024
AEDES invited ZAO to exhibit the Camerich Workshop Space in Beijing for the ‘Wood’s Up!’ exhibition in Berlin. The exhibition is open to the public from April 6 to May 22, 2024.
03 April 2024
The Workshop Space, located on the Camerich Design Campus that ZAO transformed from a former industrial district in the southeast of Beijing into a Design School Campus, is a timber structure intervention committed to adaptive reuse.
26 February 2024
Zhang Ke/ ZAO presents co-living in Dangerous Liaisons section of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of the La Biennale di Venezia in Arsenale. The exhibition was selected by the curator, Lesley Lokko, as part of The Laboratory of the Future. It is the second time Zhang Ke/ ZAO participates in the core exhibition in Arsenale, following Reporting from the Front, which was curated by Alejandro Aravena in 2016.
08 October 2023
The city of Rizhao is located on the sunny coast of the Yellow Sea in the Province of Shandong. The Art Centre provides a cultural centre for the local community as part of a new public infrastructure in a resort with other public buildings and residential districts.
08 October 2023
08 October 2023
08 October 2023
The museum dedicated to the painter Xiao Feng is situated at the foot of the Daci Mountain, a few kilometres to the south of the renowned West Lake in Hangzhou.
01 July 2022
The elongated amphitheatre is located near Chengde, the former summer residence of the Qing Emperor situated 130 km northeast of Beijing.
細長く伸びる円形劇場は、清朝皇帝の元避暑地に近接し、北京から北東方向に130 kmの位置にある。ビルディングタイプに関しては中国史からの参照は一切なく、 古代ギリシンャの様式を景観に溶け込ませるよう設定した。
10 June 2020
The aim of the Rizhao Community Art Center is to bring art to the local community and provide public space for the area. The project is located in a resort in Rizhao, a city by the coastline of the Yellow Sea in the Shandong province. The project is part of a masterplan for a development project, which includes several public buildings and housing projects.
日照コミュニティア一トセンタ一は,現地のコミュニティにア一トをもたらし,地域に公共空間を提供するという目的に基づいている。この計画は山東省の黄海沿岸の都市,日照市にあるリゾ一トの一角に位置し,複数の公共建築や住宅計画をはじめとする開発計画マスタ一プラ >の一部として扱われている。
01 March 2020
Zhang Ke (Pechino, 1970) è parte di quella nuova generazione di architetti cinesi che ha trascorso un periodo di formazione e/o di lavoro all’estero – nel suo caso per la laurea magistrale alla Harvard GSD e tre anni di pratica tra Boston e New York – e che lega un interesse per tradizioni costruttive locali ad approcci occidentali alla progettazione. Come molte delle nuove pratiche in Cina, il suo lavoro guarda a scale molto diverse: i progetti sono attenti alle micro-dinamiche dei luoghi e alla vita quotidiana delle persone che li abitano, ma ambiscono anche a rivoluzionare le modalità con cui si concepisce la rigenerazione urbana in Cina.
07 August 2019
Xizhi Art village is a regeneration project aiming to rejuvenate the old derelict village in decay, by establishing an art village that combines art and design with the local natural and cultural environment. Xizhi village is located in Beijing municipality, Miyun district, northeast of Beijing, originating from the Ming dynasty.
06 August 2019
The new Guangxi Longji Primary School is conceived as a “house” designed for students and teachers, where a series of intimate spaces open to a breathtaking landscape of terraced rice fields. The new building grows out from the existing school and then into the earth, reshaping the site topography as well as embedding itself as part of the slope.
05 August 2019
01 July 2019
Ce projet est une experimentation visant à explorer les possibilités de créer des logements sociaux de petite taille dans les limites des espaces disponibles. Ce projet de 30㎡ , appelé micro-hutong, offre une alternative, à la préservation et à la valorisation des maisons à cours traditionnelles, siheyuan, dont le problème le plus prégnant est le depart de ses occupants à la recherché de logements aux standards du «confort moderne ».
01 June 2019
The new studio of ZAO/standardarchitecture is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful architecture offices in Beijing. It is located in the north of the city on the site of a former warehouse, of which only the plastered, closed street facade remains. For the new walls around the courtyard the architects decided to use fired clay bricks typical for northern China. These bricks exhibit slightly varied gray tones, which create a shimmering effect, and quickly develop a sensually rough surface when exposed to the weather.
01 November 2018
Zhang Ke began his architectural practice in Tibet:the abstract simplicity and bright colors of Tibetan architecture have had a profound impact on his architectural approach. His series of projects in Tibet adopts contemporary local masonry and a geometric-inspired appearance to make the buildings seem like land art, deeply embedded in Tibet's unique landscape.
01 November 2018
"Bauhaus" was never a word with special meaning for me, until I went to study at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard in 1996. The school was considered to be the American reincarnation of the Bauhaus, because Walter Gropius himself taught therefrom 1938to 1952. It was at GSD that I encountered the Bauhaus legacy and began thinking about Gropius and Mies van der Rohe.
01 October 2018
01 October 2018
The historical building culture still shapes China's popular national identity today. There is no brochure or advertising material without curved roofs or pagodas. An additional narrative has been added in recent years: the generic skyscraper city, which provides a background for the curved roofs and historical variety of forms without any local reference. However, the city of the people has lost its simple identity-creating frame of reference from the living environment. Not only functionally one-dimensional city quarters, but also aesthetically impoverished concepts complicate identification and thus the sense of responsibility for the neighbourhood. But what does a contemporary environment look like that is accepted and cared for by the population?
01 June 2018
01 June 2018
The museum for the work of the painter Xiao Feng is located a few kilometres to the south of the famous West Lake, at the foot of Daci Mountain in Hang­zhou. The plan of the building is based on the idea of a central garden, with a strong sense of inwardness reflecting a character that is key to traditional Chinese intellectual gardens. The layout naturally follows the site boundary and forms a linear circulation route through the exhibition spaces. Alongside the winding gallery spaces on the outside edge, a series of projecting rec­tangular rooms face inwards to provide views of the garden and, in some cases, also views towards the mountains at the back. The roof of the building was designed to generate a sense of layering and movement in the land­scape. The organic volume rises gradually at the front to form an entryway to the garden, where the main entrance of the building is hidden behind trees and bamboo groves. Thus the museum becomes a part of the landscape and enhances the feeling of being in nature.
01 June 2018
Walking down a Beijing hutong (‘narrow street’) can feel like you’ve stumbled into a big, slightly chaotic, family home. There are always people hanging around, street furniture arranged for conversations, washing hanging out to dry, bikes scattered about.
14 April 2018
ZHANG KE & THE ALVAR AALTO MEDAL exhibition at Maison Louis Carré, France
On the occasion of the exhibition Alvar Aalto, architecte et designer at the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine in Paris (9 March-1 July 2018), Maison Louis Carré organizes an exhibition focusing on the Alvar Aalto Medal and its newest laureate, the Chinese architect Zhang Ke.
01 April 2018
08 March 2018
Located in Linzhi county, Tibet, where Niyang River and Yaluzangbu River merge, the Niang'ou Terminal sits above a gently sloped bay, with old willows bowing over sand deltas. The bay then gradually turns into a steeper hill. Behind, layers of soft, nameless mountains.
06 March 2018
This project further explores a sustainable renewal strategy for the urban fabric in the Baitasi historical area in an extremely subtle way. It aims to transform a 150 sqm courtyard in a shared space for two households with the insertion of a prefabricated service core in the 80 sqm main apartment and an 8 sqm “Mini House” underneath the pitched roof.
01 February 2018
Ethics or Aesthetics? 
The Brutalism and Rustic Manners in ZHANG Ke’s Works
Eduard KOEGEL, Translated by SU Hang, Proofread by ZHENG Chao and ZHANG Yifan
ABSTRACT By studying the two design approaches recurred in Zhang Ke’s works, the article considers the dynamics of his architectural expression. In the micro courtyards in Beijing, the architect seeks to unearth the history of the houses while provoking visitors’ speculation. Using found conditions of the site as the context, with a subtle reference to Brutalist material culture, the architect stages a direct conversation between the old and the new, to generate a distinct, sensual and perceptual experience. When surrounded by rural landscape in Tibet, Zhang Ke borrows the rustic manner of local material culture and applies it in his design, again, implicated with a touch of Brutalist sensitivity. With such approach, he aims to revitalize traditional craftsmanship and engage it in a new way, so as to sustain the originality of local practice while finding new application for traditional skills and techniques. In these projects, Zhang Ke’s idea of urban and rural context denotes a contemporary debate of identity. This conversation, creating an equal exchange between craftsmen and the architect, is a productive social encounter that has to transcend the wide gap of economic development between the two regions.
[德]爱德华 · 柯格尔 著 苏杭 译 郑超 张益凡 校
摘要 文章通过分析张轲作品中的两种设计思路进而讨论建筑表现的相关问题。在北京的四合院中,建筑师试图展现历史脉络并激发观者的想象。以场地现存条件为改造发生的基础,通过轻粗野主义的物质文化视角,建筑师激起的新旧对话使观者产生了不一样的感官体验及思维认知。在西藏的乡野景观中,张轲对当地物质文化中乡土手法的运用,也暗含着一些粗野主义的意味。在这个环境下,他以一种新的方式来应用传统手工艺,使得在通过传统技艺寻求新途径时,原有地域文化得到了延续。在各
01 February 2018
Recent Projects by ZAO/standardarchitecture 
张轲 张益凡 
作为居住功能建筑的微胡同在35㎡ 的面积内开展的是在传统北京胡同的局促空间中进行的极小尺度居住实验。
01 February 2018
Decoding” ZHANG Ke 
Seventeen Years Practice of ZAO/standardarchitecture
ZHI Wenjun, HE Run, DAI Chun    
ABSTRACT Taking Chinese contemporary architect Zhang Ke as a sample, in terms of "data analysis", the article tries to unscramble Zhang Ke and his ZAO/standardarchitecture. By applying tools of computer programming and information visualization, the analysis goes beyond the perceptual understanding of architects, which is always based on the works they design or the articles they write. By means of data and text mining, more rational and scientific, the article summarizes the creative ideas of Zhang Ke. It shows projects, publications, exhibitions, speeches and awards of Zhang Ke/ZAO, revealing the impacting factors behind his success at the same time.
支文军 何润 戴春 
摘要 文章以中国当代建筑师张轲为样本,从“数据分析”的角度切入,对张轲及其所带领的标准营造进行分析与解读。应用计算机编程语言和信息可视化工具,突破以往仅通过对建筑师的设计作品或写作文章展开感性解读的研究方法,文章将透过数据与文本的挖掘,以更加理性和科学的方法来整合张轲的创作话语。综合其设计项目、出版物、展览、演讲、奖项等,在多维度展示其17 年的收获与成果的同时,挖掘其成功背后的影响因素。
01 January 2018
Im Oktober 2016 organisierte der Architektur-Lehrstuhl von Prof. Mike Guyer, Mitinhaber des bekannten Architekturbüros Gigon/Guyer in Zürich, eine Seminarreise ¢ür Architekturstudenten der ETH nach China. Die Teilnehmer konnten sich glücklich schätzen, mit der ETH-Architektin Mulan Sun Buschor eine erfahrene und kompetente Reiseleiterin mit gleichem Berufshintergrund zu bekommen. Mit ihrer einhergehenden Kenntnis der aktuellen chinesischen Architekturszene stellte sie ein äusserst spannendes Programm zusammen, das die hohen Erwartungen der angehenden Architekten voll und ganz zu er¢üllen vermochte. Ich erhielt die einmalige Chance, die Gruppe zu begleiten und mir eröfnete sich in einigen der gezeigten Architekturlösungen eine un erwartet neue Sicht au das Thema Denkmalpflege und Transformation in diesem Lande, die ich ohne diese Werkstattbesuche wohl nie so hätte gewinnen können.Im Oktober 2016 organisierte der Architektur-Lehrstuhl von Prof. Mike Guyer, Mitinhaber des bekannten Architekturbüros Gigon/Guyer in Zürich, eine Seminarreise ¢ür Architekturstudenten der ETH nach China. Die Teilnehmer konnten sich glücklich schätzen, mit der ETH-Architektin Mulan Sun Buschor eine erfahrene und kompetente Reiseleiterin mit gleichem Berufshintergrund zu bekommen. Mit ihrer einhergehenden Kenntnis der aktuellen chinesischen Architekturszene stellte sie ein äusserst spannendes Programm zusammen, das die hohen Erwartungen der angehenden Architekten voll und ganz zu er¢üllen vermochte. Ich erhielt die einmalige Chance, die Gruppe zu begleiten und mir eröfnete sich in einigen der gezeigten Architekturlösungen eine un erwartet neue Sicht au das Thema Denkmalpflege und Transformation in diesem Lande, die ich ohne diese Werkstattbesuche wohl nie so hätte gewinnen können.
16 September 2017
张轲/标准营造 受邀参加芝加哥建筑双年展
12 September 2017
12 September 2017
01 August 2017
01 June 2017
The office building is based on the space-forming concept of cellular structures. Three-dimensional cells fill the given outlines of the complete building volumetric, some even as voids. This space-generating concept projects itself onto the floor plans and the building’s envelope, with its tilted glass panes. Also, in the courtyard the organic grid system generates a system of cellular pockets of indoor and outdoor spaces.
01 May 2017
11 February 2017
The Bielefelder Kunstverein holds a solo exhibition of ZAO/standardarchitecture from February 11 to April 17, 2017.
德国比勒费尔德艺术协会于2017年2月11日至4月17日举办标准营造个展“营造 YÍNG ZÀO”。
01 January 2017
Micro-Hutong is an experiment carried out by studio Standardarchitecture in the district of Dashilar in Beijing. A building imagined in 2012 and translated from wood to reinforced concrete in 2016. Through a double process of partial demolition and remodellation, the result of the intervention is a small lot which favours the spatial and functional link to the neighbourhood and a sense of cosy and intimate dwelling.
08 December 2016
There is a growing trend in the Chinese capital to try to bring back to life historic districts with their typical, low-rise houses designed around a courtyard. Here are two of the most interesting projects, by Zhang Ke
07 December 2016
Hutong reform in the past and present
张轲带领的标准营造事务所以尊重历史发展的每个阶段为前提,依据老城中的杂居形态,考虑大杂院当代居民的使用,设计了以“微杂院”、“微胡同” 为代表的胡同更新项目。我们由此为出发点,思考中国城市改造的走向以及当代建筑师的社会责任。
30 November 2016
The hutongs of Beijing are fast disappearing. The residential compounds, with their layering of spaces and multiple courtyards, are often viewed as messy and insalubrious – almost as slums. If they find a place in the modern city, it is often in sanitised form, as a tourist attraction, filled with boutiques. The attempt to find a new use for this traditional building form – one that would benefit the local community – motivated this proposal for a space that would serve both the pupils from the nearby primary school and the hutong's remaining, mostly elderly, residents. Besides a children's library and exhibition space, the centre hosts a local handicrafts studio and classes in painting and dance.
30 November 2016
Establecido en 1977 y otorgado por el Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), que dirige el español Luis Monreal, el Premio Aga Khan de Arquitectura se ha ido consolidando a lo largo de los años hasta convertirse en una referencia no sólo de las arquitecturas del mundo islámico, sino también de los edificios de calidad realizados con recursos locales y atentos al contexto. Dirigido por Farrokh Derakhshani, el premio trienal, dotado con un millón de dólares, y cuyo jurado presidió en esta edición Luis Fernández-Galiano, ha recaído en seis obras de diferente condición y ubicaciones muy distintas, cuya característica común es el modo en que contribuyen a mejorar su entorno: la mezquita Bait Ur Rouf en Daca (Bangladés), de Marina Tabassum; el centro comunitario en Gaibandha, también en Bangladés, de URBANA / Kashed Mahboob Chowdhury (imagen superior); la biblioteca y el centro de arte infantil en un hutong pequinés, de ZAO/ standardarchitecture y Zhang Ke (véase Arquitectura Viva 180); el puente peatonal Tabiat en Teherán (Irán), de Diba Tensile Architecture / Leila Araghian y Alireza Behzadi; el Instituto Issam Fares en Beirut (Líbano), de Zaha Hadid Architects; y, flnalmente, el Parque Superkilen en Copenhague (Dinamarca) de BIG / Bjarke Ingels Group. Topotek 1 y Superflex (véase AV Monografjas 162), un singular proyecto que supone un elogio del pluralismo y de la tolerancia en el contexto de una Europa acosada de nuevo por el fantasma del nacionalismo y la xenofobia.
07 November 2016
Zhang Ke, ZAO / standardarchitecture, with the Micro Yuan’er Children’s Library and Art Centre, Beijing, received the Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
张轲/标准营造 凭借北京胡同更新项目“微杂院”儿童图书室及艺术中心获阿卡汗建筑奖。
24 October 2016
The goal of Micro Hutong, a 30 sqm hostel, is to search for possibilities of creating ultra-small scale social housing within the limitations of super-tight traditional hutong spaces of Beijing.
01 October 2016
06 August 2016
Lightness is upheld as an overall value - lightness of space, lightness of structure and lightness of work – for people who work and live in and around the building.
01 July 2016
Many young Chinese believe that the path to greatness is equivalent to the path to riches. Beijing architect Zhang Ke feels exactly the opposite. After receiving his bachelor and master degrees from Tsinghua University, he was the first Chinese national to secure a place at Harvard University’s prestigious Graduate School of Design. After graduation, he worked for William Rawn Associates in Boston briefly before spending three years at various architectural firms in Manhattan. He quickly learned that the corporate lifestyle was not for him.
01 July 2016
When the struggle of Hutong redevelopment in Beijing has been brought to the front of world’s architecture by Zhang Ke, something big for the contemporary Chinese architecture is probably under preparation.
06 June 2016
In this shift and even search for diversity among dwelling unit types and aggregations of unit types, the small or so-called ‘micro-unit’ has been pursued in a number of contexts, both in China and abroad. In fact, it seems to harken back to the 1930s and the search among those in CIAM for the Existenzminimum or ‘minimum dwelling’ , pegged at a little more than 14 square meters in area.
01 June 2016
28 May 2016
Opening at the end of May 2016, the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale has drawn the world’s attention to its fascinating venues, again. As one of the three Chinese participants in the central exhibition, “Reporting from the Front,” Zhang Ke brings his vision of the frontline of Chinese architecture to global visitors.
10 December 2015
The hostel is situated along the slope of the Yarlung Tsangpo River near Pai Town, the small locality that marks the entrance to the Grand Canyon. The site is facing the river to the north, the 7,782 m-high peak of Namcha Barwa to the east, the 7,294 m Gyala Peri Peak to the northeast, and Mount Duoxiongla to the south. To design a hostel with one hundred rooms in such an environment posed a great challenge for the architects. Inspired by the “steps” strategy often seen in local villages when built on slopes, they decided to design a series of stepped, single-storey, linear buildings, each with unimpeded views of the river and mountains to the north and east. On four steps, each set back and grouped in a cresent-shaped form, the building is integrated like a horizontal cut in the foot of the mountain. With roofs covered by earth, shrubs and rocks, the building gently embeds itself into the sloped landscape. Viewed from a distance, the hostel disappears like a few thin leaves floating along the river.
04 December 2015
Cha’er hutong is a quiet spot among the busy Dashilar area, situated one kilometer from the Forbidden City in the city centre of Beijing. The #8 Cha’er Hutong courtyard is a typical “Da-Za-Yuan”—big messy courtyard—once occupied by over a dozen families. Over the past fifty years, each family built a small add-on kitchen in the courtyard. These add-on structures are usually considered as urban scrap and all of them have been wiped out with the renovation practices during the past years.
01 December 2015
ZAO/standardarchitecture + Embaixada
Abstract: This essay discusses the relationship between architecture and landscape in Niang’ou Boat Terminal in Tibet, a project designed by ZAO/standardarchitecture + Embaixada. Through an analysis of building concept, circulation, as well as construction materials, the essay explores the contemporaneity and spirituality of architecture in a strong regional background.
01 October 2015
Cha'er Hutong (Hutong of tea) is a quiet spot among the busy Dashilar area, situated one kilometre from Tiananmen Square in the city center. No.8 Cha'er Hutong is a typical "Da-Za-Yuan" (big-messy-courtyard) once occupied by over a dozen families. Over the past five decades each family built a small add-on kitchen in the courtyard. These add-on structures form a special density that is usually considered as urban scrap and almost all of them have been automatically wiped out with the renovation practices of the past years.
베이징 천안문 광장 근처의 다실라 지구는 번화환 도심과는 또 다른 분위기의 동네다. 복잡하게 얽힌 골목을 따라, 중국 전통 주거인 사합 원 형태의 집들이 늘어서 있어 예스러운 분위기가 느껴지기 때문이다. 그러나 사실 이 집들은 사합원을 현대적으로 변형시킨 것이다. 베이징 인구가 급증해 집이 부족해지자, 대형 주택이었던 사합원을 쪼개어 다 세대 주택으로 사용했던 것이다. 자연히 공간은 부족할 수밖에 없었 고, 각 세대는 필요에 따라 마당에 공간을 덧붙여
01 August 2015
Zhang Ke: Pursure the eternality of architecture
01 July 2015
西藏娘欧码头是继2008年完工的派镇码头之后,标准营造与西藏旅游股份公司合作完成的又一码头项目。娘欧码头坐落在尼洋河和雅鲁藏布江的交汇口。 这里保留有完好的原始景观,而河岸边日益频繁的居民日常活动也似乎等待着一种介入,把自然元素串联起来,形成一个关于天空、山川与人的完整故事。
01 July 2015
ABSTRACT ZAO/standardarchitecture recently completed their new office building. This essay explores the design pursuit behind this project and leads to the discussion about tectonic and sensibility.
摘要 标准营造新近完成了在北京的新办公室建筑。作者检视了这个项目背后的设计追求,并由此引申到建构与感知的讨论。
01 June 2015
01 April 2015
The urban-rural dichotomy has always played a vital role in understanding how things evolved to where they are in present day's China. The dynamism between these two ends has helped shape the entire social-political landscape of the country. Yet, it may no longer hold true to place a clear distinction between the two with new ideas emerging in urbanization theories. Can we bring bucolic life into the city? Can we create urban convenience in the countryside? Or can we come up with a novel alternative that blends the advantages of the two?
01 April 2015
The new ZAO/standardarchitecture studio, located to the North of Qingnian Lake Park,was renovated from an aged warehouse, with its old industrial facade still displaying on the street front. The interior has grown from the idea of "room inside room", with of a couple of service rooms floating amidst a free flowing, unified space.
01 April 2015
Freshness and playfulness are the qualities that first come to mind when seeing the work of Zhang’s firm Standardarchitecture. The shapes have no specific reference but often play a game with geometry. “For me, playfulness means that we allow ourselves a certain measure of intuitiveness,” says Zhang Ke, founder and director of the Beijing-based architectural office. “We try to incorporate intuition into our designs and to convey something of the same feeling to the people who will use the space and the place. Much new architecture takes itself too seriously, especially in China. It’s either too self-important, or it’s irrelevant or simply weird. Obviously I belong to a younger generation of architects. We are aware of the main issues, but we are not so naive as to pretend that we can save the world with our work. As a result we feel freer to explore the possibilities of architecture.”
01 April 2015
01 March 2015
At the beginning of its 35th anniversary Aedes introduces the architecture office ZAO / standard architecture founded by Zhang Ke in Beijing 2001 and thereby continues its focus on Asia and China. The variety of the office's works include small-scale interventions in the city, large research buildings, museums for Le Corbusier, as well as tourism buildings that have been sensitively embedded in the landscape of Tibet. In Zhang Ke’s projects, the traditional and the contemporary meet to form a discreet modernity that embraces the potentials of local craftwork for new solutions. With Zhang Ke the exhibition presents one of the most important protagonists of todays architecture scene in China, who is forging new paths and opening discourses with his concepts. (Aedes)
张轲/标准营造在柏林Aedes建筑艺术馆举办的个展,展览名为“营造” Contemplating Basics。
策展人:Eduard Koegel  
01 March 2015
Niang'ou Boat Terminal, Tibet
摘要 文章讨论了标准营造和Embaixada合作设计的西藏娘欧码头与基地景观之间的关系,通过分析建筑的概念、流线、功能组织、建造材料等方面,探讨了在地域文化背景之下建筑的当代性和精神性。   
01 March 2015
A deft intervention in one of Beijing's labyrinthine hutongs attempts to improve amenities without destroying heritage or catalysing gentrification
Austin Williams
01 March 2015
As one of the most important protagonists of today's architecture scene in China, Zhang Ke and his ZAO/standardarchitecture has launched solo exhibition Contemplating Basics at Aedes gallery since January 31, 2015. The variety of the office's works including small-scale interventions in the city, large research buildings, and tourism buildings that have been sensitively embedded in the landscape of Tibet, presents that Zhang Ke on behalf of Chinese architects is forging new paths and opening discourses with his blend concepts of the modernity and tradition. The images on cover page and below are respectively the sketches of Hangzhou Xiao Feng Art Museum and Namchabawa Great Tree by Zhang Ke. Both projects are exhibited in the Contemplating Basics
01 February 2015
Niang'ou Terminal, Tibet, China, 2014
Architects: ZHANG Ke/standardarchitecture+Embaixada
The intervention locates on the confluence of the Niyang river and the Yarluntzangbu river, a place which remained intact and of an overwhelming beauty. The wharf demanded installations for modernizing and expanding the existing capacities of the area that would provoke a substantial increase in built facilities and the human footprint over the landscape. The proposal is based upon the idea that it is mandatory to establish a contextual dialogue with the landscape scale of intervention.
01 October 2014
Micro-Hutong is a building experiment by Zhang Ke's Standardarchitecture team on the YangMeiZhu street of Dashilar area. The goal of the project is to search for possibilities of creating ultra-small scale social housing within the limitations of super-tight traditional hutong spaces of Beijing.
Located in the Dashilar District, a historical area within walking distance of Tiananmen Square, standardarchitecture has designed a 30-square meter Micro-Hutong that offers a new alternative to Hutong preservation and actualization.
골목 모퉁이를 돌면 또 다른 골목길이 끝없이 이어지는, 비좁고 복잡하지만 베이징의 오랜 역사가 그대로 배어 있는 후통. 보존과 개발의 경계에 서 있 는 이 지역에 실험적인 공공주택이 들어섰다. 소규모 단위 공간을 이용해 과연 극도로 제한적인 땅에 공공주택이 들어설 수 있는지를 살펴보는 작업 이다. 동시에 후통의 전통과 오늘날의 개발 요구, 이 두 마리 토끼를 한 번 에 잡을 수 있는 대안이라는 측면에서도 주목할만한 사례다.
01 August 2014
01 June 2014
By intuition, it seems there are two levels to adaptation: one physical and one non-physical. In the non-physical sense it means, at least to me, adapting your ideas to a place and make it work within it-by relating to its traditional construction method, weather, landscape or whatever material available. [Unlike a car that you drive and park there, the building basically grows out of it, adapts to what belongs to that place]. I call this non-physical, but in a way it's half physical... And most of our projects fit in this understanding, making them different in YangShuo,Suzhou,Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Tibet or Chengdu. They adapt to the place and local building traditions, but depart from contemporary perspectives. The second aspect, the physical, happens when the building is there and it starts to change its program, or changes due to natural disasters[like earthquakes making it partially collapse, in need for repair]or other type of change.
从直觉上来讲,应变有两个层面的意义:—个是物理层面的,一个是概念层面上的。在概念层面,至少对我来说,它意味着你的思路和想法要适应一个地方,使之可行,而这是通过统筹传统建造技术,气候,景观或当地普遍运用的材料实现的。 (这不像你停一辆车在那里,它(建筑)更像是从地里长出来的,适应所在地的属性)。我把这个叫做概念上的,但其实可以说它是半概念的…我们的项目v大多数都可以用这种概念来解读,这也是为什么它们会因所在地不同而不同,比如说阳朔,苏州,杭州,上海,北京,西藏或成都。它们适应所在地和当地的建造传统,但是以当
01 May 2014
Domus China:随着时间的推移,中国人的居住方式也在不断地变化着。您如何看待这种变化?其对家居产品的设计提出了哪些新的挑战?
01 May 2014
Gli Hutong, che ancora compongono parte del tessuto edilizio storico della città di Pechino, rischiano ogni giorno di essere demoliti per aumentare la superficie edificabile, oppure di essere oggetto di restauri che si limitano a riprodurre le decorazioni senza nessun tipo di attualizzazione distributiva. L'Hutong è stato il modello tradizionale di espan-sione residenziale della città di Pechino fino al XX secolo e indicava in origine la stretta strada che tiene unite le siheyuan, le tradizionali case a corte, e nel tempo, per estensione, la parola designa l'intero quartiere composto di case e vie.
01 April 2014
01 February 2014
For a Hutong or an old city, the biggest threat is not the over-extension of commercial development, but the migration of the locals. Micro-Hutong is a building experiment by Zhang Ke/standardarchitecture installed on the Yang-Mei-Zhu street of Dashilar district, The goal of the project is to search for possibilities of creating ultra-small scale social housing within the limitations of super-tight traditional Hutong spaces of Beijing
01 January 2014
01 December 2013
01 October 2013
Mirui Road is a tourist route connecting Tibet and the Sichuan province. It meanders along the Niyang River towards a canyon with scenic views. The Visitors Center at the beginning of the route is located on the river beach between the road and the river. It combines three major functions: a ticket office, a dressing room for rafting, and toilets.
25 September 2013
Zhang Ke’s standardarchitecture team presents the Micro-Hutong for the 2013 Beijing Design Week.
01 September 2013
Zhang Ke in Conversation with Cruz Garcia
From 2010 to 2015 the hunger for urbanization in China has devoured 12 million acres of land per year and a staggering 150 million acres of arable land were consumed by urban sprawl from 1996 to 2010. Facing these revealing figures and concerned about the struggle of the growing urban area versus the decreasing arable area, standardarchitecture has proposed a solution in the form of a colossal infrastructural hybrid that integrates architecture and urbanism, the countryside and the city.
01 August 2013
Architecture within the scenery 
Zhang Ke and his Tibet series
area: Tibet Series was published in Area in 2010. As several years have passed and how is the progress of the project?
Zhang ke: Tibet projects started in the year 2007. That year we hiked along Brahmaputra with Ouyang Xu, Chairman of Tibet Tourism Co.ltd. 3 days later Mr.
01 August 2013
01 August 2013
01 July 2013
01 June 2013
On the 7782-meter-high Mount Namchabawa, a 1300-year-old mulberry tree with a canopy about 40 meters wide, and a few huge rocks off the road to the last village Jiala in the depth of Yaluntzangpu Grand Canyon gave inspiration to the designers. They covered the ground with shiny white gravels to make it become a place for contemplation, a memory for all the ephemeral moments in life.
01 June 2013
01 May 2013
Zhang Kes' career also started with a park. In 2001 the Harvard graduate won a contest for designing a grass verge along Peking's renovated city wall and established “standardarchitecture,” an office that he now manages together with several partners.“The name is supposed to convey neutrality,” says Zhang. Instead of show architecture he wants buildings that organically fit into their environment. In the Tibetan Yalutsangpo Canyon he therefore built a marina and a visitor centre, whose striking forms imitate the dramatic landscape. For the material, he used locally hewn stone.“That was an attempt to create an architecture that conveys the feeling of growing out of the landscape,” Zhang explains. At the same time, the 41-year-old experiments with bold urban construction concepts. In 2011, for example, he tried to simulate how public life in Peking would change if the ring roads were transformed into huge conveyor belts. It was less a matter of realistic chances of implementation than of the constant attempt to question the known.“Sometimes one has to dream,” says Zhang, “because then we realise that we are not bound to what we already know.”
01 April 2013
ABSTRACT This conversation is conducted through 'Wechat'. Zhang Ke, Liu Yichun and Chen Yifeng are leading figures among Chinese architects born around 1970. Topics are focused on their education, mental transformation and differing interests in practice. During the conversation, the three architects looked back at their different life circumstances and choices, respective interests and strategies, dilemmas and uncertainties. Theoretical  discourses such as modernism, regionality, tectonics and ontology are also discussed.
01 March 2013
13 February 2013
Un divano che esplora il rapporto con il corpo. L'architetto e designer Zhang Ke dello studio Standardarchitecture di Pechino ha ideato Topo per l'azienda cinese Camerich partendo, e adattando, il concetto di topologia, che "si caratterizza come lo studio delle proprietà delle figure e delle forme che non cambiano quando viene effettuata una deformazione senza strappi, sovrapposizioni o incollature. Concetti fondamentali come convergenza, limite, continuità, connessione o compattezza trovano nella topologia la loro migliore formalizzazione". Topo è infatti connotato da linee fluide continue che lo fanno apparire compatto ma 'in movimento' se visto da diverse angolazioni. Una seduta 'tridimensionale' che sembra 'galleggiare' e ne incoraggia un uso ludico. Topo ha un rivestimento che, come una spugna altamente elastica, lo rende avvolgente ed elastico per assorbire l'impatto dal corpo, garantendo una sensazione di totale benessere. Il divano è disponibile in una vasta gamma di colori, tessuti e personalizzazione, per una perfetta integrazione con l'ambiente circostante.
18 December 2012
Zhang Ke / standardarchitecture’s Ming Tray for Alessi was awarded the 2012 GOOD DESIGN Award given by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in cooperation with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies.
01 December 2012
01 November 2012
White the West frets about the “new normal,” with its paralytic combination of panicked urgency and concomitant complacency, the feeding frenzy continues in China. Zaha Hadid is building a contemporary art center in Chengdu that will be twice as big as the opera house she just completed in Guangzhou. Norman Foster is competing for another mammoth Beijing airport that would make the one he finished only four years ago look tike a skid mark on the tarmac. A number of the usual suspects, including Hadid and Herzog & de Meuron, are angling for the job to design a new National Art Museum of China building in Beijing that, at 60,000 square meters (or is it 160,000-it really doesn't matter), is meant to outdo the National Stadium (aka, the Bird's Nest), which will be next door. While it is probably true that the choicest jobs are still going to Western designers, there is no shortage of work for their Chinese counterparts. Indeed, a common critique of and by young Chinese architects is that they're so busy building that they hardly have time to think. In China, research and experimentation are not so much abstract exercises as on-the-job training. But while the exigencies of contemporary China call for broad strokes-in the next twenty years, Chinese cities are expected to add more than the current population of the United States-the actual conditions are more nuanced.
01 November 2012
The building serves as a visitor welcoming centre providing comprehensive information about Mount Namchabarwa and Yaluntzangbu Grand Canyon. It serve also as the “town centre” tor the villagers as well as the supply base for the backpack hikers exploring the canyon. The program includes a reception/information hall, public toilets, a supply store, an internet bar, a medical center, locker rooms for backpackers, meeting rooms, offices for tour guides and drivers, a water reservation tank and a central electrical switch house for the village. The building is conceived as a series of stone walls set into the slope, with no windows facing the incoming road in the west, almost scale-less,an abstract landscape.
01 November 2012
"Chinese architecture is in an uncertain stage, mostly because Chinese architects rarely think of the strategy of the project," Zhang Ke says. "What sets me apart is my ability to reflect about the relationship between the project and its environment".
30 October 2012
Zhang Ke was invited to Tokyo Designers Week 2012, which was held from 10.30th until 11.5th. The exhibition named “Ito Jakuchu Inspired” is curated by Toyo Ito. Other invited designers include Junya Ishigami, Suo Fujimoto, and Marcel Wanders. Zhang Ke’s work -“The Shinki of Chairs” were produced
张轲受邀参加2012东京设计师周。本次展览名为“源自伊藤若冲的灵感作品展”由伊东丰雄Toyo Ito策展,其他受邀的设计师包括藤本壮介、石上纯也、和Marcel Wanders. 张轲作品“椅子的神气”由中国著名品牌Camerich锐驰合作完成。
01 October 2012
Zhang Ke's "Village Mountains" make an appearance at CaoChangDi Art Village.
01 October 2012
Zhang Ke’s installation “Village Mountains” shown In the “INTERNI LEGACY” exhibition at Beijing Design Week 2012.
2012北京国际设计周期间, 《INTERNI》 室内与当代设计杂志与中国工业设计协会(CIDA)合作,携由Alessandro & Francesco Mendini,以及标准营造的张轲设计的两个装置作品,参与米兰主宾城市项目。装置原为展览INTERNI LEGACY(米兰,2012年6月16日至28日)设计,以实验性的建筑形态展现了当代设计的潜质。
30 September 2012
Zhang Ke invited to speak in a round table discussion with architect Francesco Mendini at Beijing Design Week.
01 September 2012
Zhang Ke selected by GQ as “Designer of The Year” in the “Men of The Year 2012” Issue.
01 September 2012
11 August 2012
Tibet Niangou Boat Terminal Phase II is under construction. The project started in 2008 and the concept of the project is the result of collaboration of standardarchitecture and young Portuguese office Embaixada.
01 August 2012
Like author,like book, the architect's work shows his style. If we want to taste the excellent architecture, we have better begin with its creator. Zhangke, an architect or from Anhui Province, has the typical Anhui characteristics. He is the first student who graduated from Qinghua Universily and went to Harvard for further study since the reform and opening up.
25 July 2012
Zhang Ke collaborated with Camerich to create the the installation “Egg of the City 5.0” at the Trendshome Art Show held on July 25th at Beijing World Trade Centre.
01 June 2012
"Il concetto di eredità si pone su due livelli: il primo riguarda l'eredità di ciò che è accaduto in passato, e di conseguenza l'eredità da progettare per il futuro; il secondo concerne l'eredità propria che proviene dalla Cina, dove durante i secoli scorsi gli intellettuali hanno espresso la propensione di vivere tra le montagne. Così il primo pensiero è stato: tratterè dell'eredità per il futuro. E insieme ho pensato anche alla Cina. Le tre montagne dell'installazione possono ospitare da tre a cinque villaggi. L'imperativo per il futuro è di interrompere il consumo di territorio coltivabile; alle persone dobbiamo fornire metri cubi e non terreno, come accade negli alveari. Il progetto può sembrare basato su di un concetto naif, ma l'intento è di sollevare il problema e porre domande: possiamo portare una nuova forma di relazione tra città e campagna senza contrasto?" (Zhang Ke)
17 April 2012
On the occasion of Moroso’s 60th anniversary and Salone del Mobile Milano 2012, Moroso invites Chinese architect Zhang Ke/standardarchitecture to design two products and an installation for Moroso’s showroom on Via Pontaccio, Milano.
16 April 2012
Zhang Ke/standardarchitecture presented the installation “Village Mountains” as part of the “INTERNI LEGACY” exhibition at Milano Design Week. Other architects for the exhibition include: Alessandro & Francesco Mendini, Michele de Lucchi, Odile Decq, Richard Meier, Jurgen Mayer, and Patricia Urquiola. The installation “Village Mountains” was sponsored and realized by Camerich. Lighting of the installation was sponsored by iGuzzini.
01 April 2012
01 April 2012
Tre torri autoportanti in pannelli d'acciaio retroilluminati, realizzate grazie al brand di arredi camerich, rappresentano un richiamo all'antico stile di vita cinese e una prospettiva di sviluppo sostenibile.
i tre picchi luminosi che riproducono il futuristico modello urbano delle village mountains, individuato da standardarchitecture, studio di progettazione urbanistica e landscape design con base a pechino. le ‘montagne abitate’ prevedono una cellula autosufficiente per ogni famiglia (con orto e giardino); partner dell'installazione È il brand cinese camegich.
01 March 2012
01 March 2012
Founded by Zhang Ke, the office now has four principals: Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Hou Zhenghua and Claudia Taborcla. Standardarchitecture is a leading new generation design firm engaged in planning, architecture, landscape, and product design. With a portfolio that includes a wide range of buildings and landscapes completed over the past five years, it has emerged as the most critical and realistic practice among the latest generation of Chinese architects and designers. Consciously distancing itself from many of the other “typical” young generation architects, the office remains detached in a time of media frenzy and its focus is consistently positioned on the realization of urban visions and ideas. Although standardarchitecture's works often produce exceptionally provocative visual results, its buildings and landscapes are always rooted in the historic and cultural settings with a degree of intellectual debate.
01 January 2012
01 January 2012
Credo: "standardarchitecture is a leading new generation design firm engaged in practices of planning, architecture, landscape, and product design. Based on a wide range of realized buildings and landscapes in the past five years, it has emerged as the most critical and realistic practice among the youngest generation of Chinese architects and designers. Consciously distance themselves from many of the other "typical" young generation architects, who are swallowed by a trend of noise making and media feeding, the office remain detached in a time of media frenzy and their focus is consistently positioned on the realization of urban visions and ideas. Although, their built works often take exceptionally provocative visual results, the buildings and landscapes are always rooted in the historic and cultural settings with a degree of intellectual debate."
01 January 2012
MovingCities is a Shanghai-based think-tank investigating the role that architecture and urbanism play in shaping the contemporary city. Established in 2007 by Bert de Muynck [BE] and Mónica Carriço [PT], MovingCities publishes, collaborates, talks and walks, and operate as embedded architects. During the past years MovingCities has conducted research, lectures and workshops in China, Israel, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland and Indonesia.
Moving Cities是一个研究建筑和城市化在当代都市中所扮演的角色的智囊团,总部设在上海。Moving Cities是由木贝特和康美嘉于2007年创立的。Moving Cities发布消息、与不同机构合作、边干边想、有时也作为“内嵌建筑设计师”承接工作。在过去的一年里移动的城市在中国、以色列、瑞典、荷兰、芬兰和印度尼西亚进行了各种研究、讲座、创意咨询和研讨会。
18 December 2011
The project consists of the expansion of the existing standarchitecture studio space to occupy the entire second floor of a formerly rundown Soviet era building. The staircase, semi-circular balconies and intermediate spaces previously occupied by other uses have been transformed into new office space, meetings rooms and a material library. Conceptually and spatially these new additions have been differentiated from the previous conversion through the use of large curved glass windows that offer a panoramic view out into the surrounding trees and the complex beyond.
16 December 2011
Standarchitecture participated in the 2011 Shenzhen Biennale with the ‘Social Theatre Housing’ project for Vanke at the NAI pavilion. The design strategy for this project is to combine a number of basic small housing units together with a grand semi-outdoor public theatre-like space.
16 December 2011
Standarchitecture participated in the exhibition ’10 Million Units – Housing an Affordable City’ at the 2011 Shenzhen Biennale with the ‘Tree Towers Housing’ project. The goal of our design is to create a desirable, attractive community for young people, designing dream apartments that occupy the smallest urban plot possible between 10 m² and 14 m² per floor.
01 December 2011
01 December 2011
24 September 2011
Standardarchitecture receives the 2011 International Architecture in Stone Award. The Award Ceremony was held in Verona, Castelvecchio Museum, in September and was attended by directors Zhang Ke and Zhang Hong from standardarchitecture.
标准营造荣获2011年度国际石造建筑奖。9月24日,合伙人张轲、张弘在意大利城市维罗纳的Castelvecchio 博物馆参加了颁奖典礼。典礼上张轲发表演讲,简短介绍了公司近年作品。
22 September 2011
Based on a preliminary study of data released by the Department of Land and Resource, Standardarchitecture has identified a significant shrinkage of arable land in China over the past 15 years: from 1996 to 2010 the area of arable land decreased from 1.95 billion mu to 1.8 billion mu, with the 150 million mu of lost land affecting the food production capacity for 100 million people.
13 September 2011
Standardarchitecture participated in the Opening Ceremony of the '2011 Camerich Concept Furniture' show in Shanghai. Zhang Ke and his team designed a series of five furniture products coupled with the pavilion called 'Folding House' for this leading Chinese furniture brand.
08 September 2011
The project design was inspired by the sinuous course of the Yarlung Zangbo river that is split into several streams which diverge and unite to create a continuous and sensual movement; a flow through the river system.
01 September 2011
01 September 2011
ABSTRACT The article offers a brief introduction of standardarchitecture's recent work "Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon Art Centre" in Tibet Autonomous Region. The article also raises the issues of "locality" and "contemporaneity" of architecture, and points out that "cultural equal footing" is a critical attitude for contemporary architectural creation in areas with a strong local cultural milieu such as Tibet.
摘要 文章介绍了标准营造设计的西藏雅鲁藏布大峡谷艺术馆,同时讨论了艺术馆的当地性与当代性特征,提出“文化平视"的态度是在西藏特殊文化的背景下当代建筑得以产生和发展的关键。
21 August 2011
The Yarlung Tsangpo river runs hidden in the southern mountains in Tibet; carving some spectacular gorges,that can reach more than 5000 m deep. Near Pai town; at the foot of the Namchabarwa mountain(7782 m), lies a small valley where the gega spa is located.
16 August 2011
The project is located at the confluence of the Niyang river and the Yarluntzangbu river, a place which has retained an overwhelming natural beauty. The wharf authorities required new installations for modernizing and expanding the existing capacities of the area that provoked a substantial increase in the built footprint over the landscape. 
01 August 2011
The main challenges of the project were to blend the new building into its environment and to favor a series of relationships with it. Thus, the material chosen for the enclosure is local stone, which fits perfectly well with the surrounding rocky landscape, and that was used following vernacular techniques. On the roof, a 15-centimeter layer of local clay, called Aga, provides protection from water, and includes the rainwater drainage pipes. Furthermore, the open central space is carved out of the irregular volume and is connected with the landscape through four oblique entrances painted in intense colors achieved with mineral pigments. Though the colors lack symbolic references, their use reminds of the importance of color in Tibetan culture.
21 July 2011
The project raises issues of “localness” and “contemporaneity” of architecture, and points out that “cultural equal footing” is a critical attitude for contemporary architecture creation in areas with strong cultural backgrounds such as Tibet.
16 June 2011
Mirui Road is a tourist road that meets Highway 318 connecting Tibet and Sichuan province. This road meanders southwards along the Niyang River. Within this 20km distance to the Brahmaptra Canyon, the specific terrain and landscape of Niyang River can be enjoyed from the road.
01 June 2011
In recent years the young architects, founders of the standardarchitecture Studio in Peking in 2001, have participated in many important international events. Their "credo" is that architecture must express local "spirit" rather than local "form".
01 June 2011
The route to the Brahmaputra Canyon in the Himalayas passes through the impressive landscape along the Niyang River in southern Tibet. In a bid to increase tourism in this area, the Niyang River Visitor Centre was created, forming a gateway to the gorge 20 kilometers away. In order to assert itself in an exposed situation where the river meets the mountains, this monolithic structure is virtually sealed off from the outside world.  
01 June 2011
I due interventi si collocano infatti ai piedi del Namchabawa, una montagna di 7.782 metri s.l.m., nei pressi del Yalutsangpu, il fiume che scorre a quota più alta al mondo. Questi estremi certamente particolari sono di interesse relativo se confrontati con un dato geopolitico assai significativo: il centro visitatori e il giardino di meditazione di Namchabawa si trovano entrambi nell'area sud-orientale delta regione autonoma del Tibet. Prendere atto della costruzione di un progetto di architettura contemporanea, collocato a qualche centinaio di chilometri da Lhasa, ad opera di un gruppo di architetti di Pechino, implica una riflessione su quanto è accaduto negli ultimi cinquant'anni in questi luoghi.
11 May 2011
The Egg is a fully equipped house for compact urban dwelling, and simultaneously acts as a lifesaver egg in case of natural or un-natural disasters. The Egg house is a tsunami, earthquake and radiation resistant safe zone that evokes a feeling of safety in people’s minds, where the egg is worrying about potential dangers for them.
蛋屋是一种拥有完全装备的城市微型居住体,在自然灾害及非自然灾害中也扮演着救生体的角色。它能 防御海啸、地震及辐射等恶劣环境,带给使用者安全感。 用蛋屋来救命
01 April 2011
当建筑师张轲在北京成立标准营造,用他自己的话说选择这个名字是因为“它听起来中性,不会引起任何特定的形式的联想”。 “但是在快速发展的中国,对于工作室,就如同公司最近使用的START(Standard Architecture Team)缩写。”张轲说到:“对于每一个项目,我们希望有一个完全新的开始;摆脱一切成见,像我们总是假装什么都未知一样。”标准营造成立于2001年,现在合伙人还包括张弘和Clauclia Taborda(一个里斯本景观建筑师),被定位于中国最新最前沿的一代建筑师。这需要一个新的起点,—
01 March 2011
Iakov Chernikhow International Prize 2010
(Beijing, 2001). Founded by Zhang Ke, the office now has three principals: Zhang Ke (1970), Zhang Hong (1967) and Claudia Taborda. In 2009 they were awarded the "China Architecture Media Award, Young Architect Award". Among their recent exhibition participation, "China Design Now" at V&A Museum of London in 2008 and the Shenzhen Biennale in 2009.
(北京,2001年)。由张轲创立,该事务所现在有三个主管:张轲(1970),张弘(1967)和Claudia Toborda。在2009年,他们分别荣获“中国建筑传媒奖青年建筑师奖”。2008年他们在伦敦V&A博物馆参展“当代中国设计展(China Design Now)”和2009年深圳双年展。
01 February 2011
Der Schiffsteterminal wurde von Standardarchitecture entworfen und liegt in einem Tal zu Füßen eines mit  Schnee bedeckten Berges in tibet. Weil es sich dabei um die einzige Verkehrsanbindung im Kreis Motuo handelt, in dem es ansonsten keine öffentlichen Verkehrswege gibt, ist diese Gegend besonders bei Wanderern sehr beliebt. Der Kai ist mit 430 ㎡ recht klein, auch seine Funktion ist einfach. Er bietet seit 2008 den Reisenden, die über den Wasserweg ankommen, einen Platz zum Ausruhen, Platz zum Warten auf das nächste Schiff, sanitäre Einrichtungen sowie  Gelegenheit zum Übernachten, wenn das Wetter keine Weiterfahrt zulässt. Das Gebäude ist Teil eines kompliziert beschaffenden Geländes. Rampen schlähgeln sich aus dem Wasser zum Ufer hoch, um majestätische Bäume herum bis hin zu einem Innenhof, wo sie zusammen eine Aussichtsplattform über dem Fluss bilden. Der Innenhofbietet den Reisenden einen Aussichtspunkt, wo sie sich auch ausruhen können. Das Gebäudematerial, von der Mauer bis zu den Rampen, besteht aus Stein, der vor Ort vorhanden ist. Die Bauweise ist typisch für diese Gegend. Die Mauern außen wie auch die Wände innen bestehen einfach aus Stein. Für Fenster, Dachbalken und Boden wurde ein lokal vorhandenes Holz benutzt und vor Ort bearbeitet.
01 February 2011
在英国,联排别墅是伦敦上层社会的传统住宅(与乡村住宅相比),现指新建的梯田住宅,通常有3层楼及地下车库。聚集的联排别墅(Stacked Townhouse)住宅单元相互交叠且可分布在不同层次,各户都有直接对外出入口。
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