ZAO information
04 August 2024

ZAO/standardarchitecture 标准营造

Founded by Zhang Ke in 2001,ZAO/standardarchitecture is a leading new generation design firm engaged in practices of planning, architecture, landscape, and product design. Based on a wide range of realized buildings and landscapes in the past ten years, the studio has emerged as one of the most critical and innovative protagonists among the new generation of Chinese architects.

Consciously distancing themselves from many of the other “typical” young generation architects who are swallowed by a trend of noise making, the office remain detached in a time of media frenzy and their focus is consistently positioned on the realization of urban visions and ideas. Although standardarchitecture’s built works often take exceptionally provocative visual results, their buildings and landscapes are always rooted in the historic and cultural settings with a degree of intellectual debate.

Zhang Ke, principal 
Zhang Ke founded ZAO/standardarchitecture 标准营造 in 2001. With a wide range of realized works, the studio has emerged as one of the most critical and innovative protagonists among the new generation of Chinese architects.

Recent works by Zhang Ke include the Novartis Campus Building in Shanghai, a number of Hutong and courtyard transformation projects in the city center of Beijing, and various buildings embedded in the landscape of Tibet. Although the completed works often take exceptionally provocative visual results, the buildings and landscapes are always rooted in the historic and cultural settings with a degree of intellectual debate.

Many honors have been awarded to Zhang Ke and his studio, including the Alvar Aalto Medal, 2017; the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 2016; the International Award Architecture in Stone, 2011; the Design Vanguard by Architecture Record, 2010.

Born in 1970, Zhang Ke received his Master of Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design in 1998 and his Master and Bachelor of Architecture from Tsinghua University in Beijing. Zhang Ke has been teaching studios in architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design since 2016.

2016 - present  Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design
2001- present  Founding Principal, ZAO/standardarchitecture
1998  Master of Architecture M-Arch II, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design
1996  Master of Architecture, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture
1993  Bachelor of Architecture, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture

2017  Alvar Aalto Medal
2016  Aga Khan Award for Architecture
2013  China Museum Architecture Award, Winning Prize
2012  Good Design Award (Ming Tray for Alessi)
2012  GQ designer of the year
2011  International Award Architecture in Stone, Winner
2010  Design Vanguard  (Architecture Record)
2010  WA Chinese Architecture Award, Winning Prize
2008  China Architecture Media Award (CAMA), Best Young Architect Prize
2006  WA Chinese Architecture Award, Winning Prize


2021 - 2022 “Reuse, Renew, Recycle: Recent Architecture from China”, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA

2021 “YING ZAO营造:Hutong Metabolism+” solo exhibition, Aedes Architekturforum, Berlin, Germany

2018  “Zhang Ke & The Alvar Aalto Medal”, Maison Louis Carré, Paris, France
2017  "Make New Hutong Metabolism", Chicago Architecture Biennial, USA
2017   solo exhibition on Zhang Ke, Museum of Finnish Architecture, Helsinki, Finland
2017  "营造 YÍNG ZÀO" solo exhibition, Bielefeld, Germany
2016  “ZÀI XĪNG TǓ MÙ 再兴土木” exhibition, Aedes Architekturforum, Berlin, Germany
2016  "Micro Hutong Renewal", central exhibition at 15th Venice Architecture Biennale
2015   ZAO solo exhibition at Zumtobel Lichtforum, Austria
2015  “Contemplating Basics” solo exhibition, Aedes Architekturforum, Berlin, Germany
2013  “Eastern Promises”, MAK Museum, Vienna, Austria
2012  “Village Mountains” installation at Beijing Design Week
2012  “Village Mountains” installation at Carrara, Italy
2012  “Village Mountains” installation for Interni Legacy at Milano Design Week
2012  “Hidden Dragon” for Moroso at Salone del Mobile Milano
2011  “Social Theatre Housing” for “Housing with a Mission” (Curator NAi)at Shenzhen & Hong Kong Biennale
2011  “Glocal Stone” Exhibition, Verona, Italy
2011  “Folding House Pavilion”, Shanghai
2011  “Vertical Villages” at Chengdu Biennale
2011  “Chinese Architecture in a post-experimental Age”, Prague
2010  “Harmonious Beijing” for “Audi Urban Future Award” at Venice Biennale
2010  “Updating China”, Shanghai
2010  “Reach & Touch” China Contemporary Design Exhibition, Beijing
2010  “M8 in China”, DAZ (Deutsches Architektur Zentrum) Berlin
2009  “Eggs of The City” at Shenzhen Biennale
2009  “M8 in China”, DAM (Deutsches Architekturmuseum) Frankfurt
2009  “Chinese Gardens for Living” exhibition, Brussels
2008  “Observatoire de L’architecture de La Chine”, Paris
2008  “China Design Now”, V&A, London
2008  “Un-natural”, Beijing
2008  “ARCHITopia-Young Architects from China”, Brussels
2007  “Rice-Field Skyscraper for West Kowloon” at Hong Kong Biennale
2006  “China Contemporary”, NAi, Rotterdam
2005  “Yangshuo Storefronts” at Shenzhen Biennale  

Zhang Ke Lectures and Teaching:
2019  Aga Khan Design Critic in Architecture at Harvard GSD, Teaching Option Studio “Habitat KASHGAR”, Cambridge, MA, USA

2018  Design Critic in Architecture at Harvard GSD, Teaching Option Studio “Dwelling/Garden/Being”, Cambridge, MA, USA
2018 / 03  Keynote Lecture at Sydney Design Week, Australia
2017  Design Critic in Architecture at Harvard GSD, Teaching Option Studio “Tibet Contemporary”, Cambridge, MA, USA
2017/09/12  lecture at the Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland
2017/10/24  “Current Work: ZAO/standardarchitecture” at the Architectural League of New York, USA
2016  Aga Khan Design Critic in Architecture at Harvard GSD, Teaching Option Studio “Hutong Metabolism”, Cambridge, MA, USA
2016/11/14  “Aga Khan Lecture” at Harvard GSD, Cambridge, MA, USA
2016  Design Mentor in Architecture at Tsinghua University, Teaching Studio “Garden for Living”, Beijing, China
2015/09/02  lecture at Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
2015/06/27  lecture at the opening of Zumtobel Lichtforum, Austria
2015/05/28   lecture at “NEW YORK – BEIJING – NEW YORK: 2015 Chinese Contemporary Architecture Exhibition”, AIA, USA
2015/02/05  “Rethinking Basics” at Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
2014  Design Mentor in Architecture at Tsinghua University, Teaching Studio “1 KM High Vertical Habitat”, Beijing, China
2013/10/26  lecture at Sino-Spanish Dialogue on Contemporary Architecture, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
2012/04/18  “Re-thinking Basics” at Conference of Milano Design Week
2012/03/22  “Material and Design” Conference of Façade systems, Nuremberg
2012/03/21  “From New York to Beijing and Beyond”, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt
2011/11/11  “Fast & Good, Moor & Sustainable?” Architecture 2.0 Symposium, Rotterdam
2011/09/23  “Three buildings in Tibet”, at Castevechio Museum , Verona, Italy
2011/09/19  “Design with Basic Materials”, at Cersaie, Bologna, Italy
2010/09/01  “Recent Designs of standardarchitecture”, at the Opening of Helsinki Design Week, Finland
2010/08/28  “Vacancy in China”, Symposium at the Dutch Pavilion, Venice Biennale
2010/08/26  “Harmoniuos Beijing 2030”, Audi Urban Future Award Exhibition, Venice Biennale
2010/05/25  “Harmonious Beijing 2030”, Audi Urban Future Award Event, RIBA, London
Lectures at Various Universities such as: Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Southeast University, Tianjin University, University of Hong Kong(HKU), Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), CAFA Beijing.

Zhang Ke/standardarchitecture’s work is widely published in international academic publications such as: Casabella, Detail, Bauwelt, WA, a+u, T+A, Mark, Frame, C3, Weltbilder, Domus, Phaidon, Interni, Area, Topos, Garten+Landschaft, Architecture Record, Harvard Design Magazine, and etc
ZAO/standardarchitecture 标准营造,中国目前最优秀的设计团队之一,2001年由张轲创建,其实践超越了传统的设计职业划分,涵盖了城市规划、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计及产品设计等各种专业。标准营造在一系列重要文化项目的基础上,发展了在历史文化地段中进行景观与建筑创作的特长和兴趣。



张轲/标准营造获得包括 阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖(2017)、阿卡汗建筑奖(2016)、国际石造建筑奖(2011)、美国建筑实录国际十大设计先锋(2010)在内的众多国内外重要建筑奖项。


2016 – 至今  哈佛大学设计研究生院 Harvard University GSD,客座教授
2001 - 至今  标准营造 ZAO/standardarchitecture,创始人,主持建筑师
1996 - 1998  哈佛大学设计学院 Harvard University GSD,建筑学硕士
1993 – 1996  清华大学建筑学院,建筑学硕士
1988 – 1993  清华大学建筑学院,建筑学学士

2017  阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖
2016  阿卡汗建筑奖
2013  中国博物馆建筑大奖优胜奖
2012  芝加哥国际好设计奖(明托盘,Alessi)
2012  智族GQ年度设计师
2011  国际石造建筑奖
2010  美国建筑实录国际十大设计先锋
2010  车尔尼科夫建筑奖国际十位优秀建筑师特别提名
2010  WA中国建筑奖,优胜奖
2008  获第一届中国建筑传媒奖,青年建筑师奖
2006  WA中国建筑奖优胜奖


2021 - 2022 “重复使用、再生、回收:中国近代建筑展”, 纽约MoMA现代艺术博物馆,美国

2021 “YING ZAO 营造:Hutong Metabolism +”个展,柏林Aedes建筑艺术馆,德国

2018  “Zhang Ke & The Alvar Aalto Medal”,张轲与阿尔瓦·阿尔托奖展览,路易卡莱别墅,法国
2017  "Make New Hutong Metabolism",芝加哥双年展,美国
2017   张轲个展,芬兰建筑博物馆,芬兰赫尔辛基
2017  “营造 YÍNG ZÀO”个展,德国比勒费尔德
2016   “ZÀI XĪNG TǓ MÙ 再兴土木”展览,柏林Aedes建筑艺术馆,德国
2016  “Micro Hutong Renewal”,第十五届威尼斯建筑双年展 主题展,意大利
2015   标准营造个展, Zumtobel Lichtforum,奥地利
2015  “营造”个展,柏林Aedes建筑艺术馆,德国
2013  EasternPromises建筑展,维也纳MAK博物馆,奥地利
2012 《山居》装置,草场地艺术区,北京设计周
2012 《山居》装置,意大利Carrara市中心
2012 《山居》装置,米兰大学中心庭院,米兰设计周
2012 《藏龙》展,张轲设计,米兰Moroso展厅,意大利米兰
2011 《社会剧场住宅》参加“为蚁族而设计”展,深圳香港双年展
2011  “Glacal Stone”标准营造作品展,意大利维罗纳
2011  《折叠的房子》展厅及概念家具,上海
2011  “立体村庄”,成都双年展
2011  “后实验时代的中国建筑”展,布拉格
2010  威尼斯双年展“奥迪城市未来奖”展览
2010  《更新中国》可持续中国设计展,上海
2010  “Reach & Touch”中国当代设计展,北京
2010  “M8 in China”中国八位建筑师展,德国建筑中心,柏林
2009  《城市下的蛋》,深圳香港双年展
2009  “M8 in China”中国八位建筑师展,德国建筑博物馆,法兰克福
2008  “中国当代建筑观察”展,巴黎夏优宫,法国
2008  “China Design Now”, 中国设计Now, 伦敦V&A博物馆
2008  作品《不自然生长》,“不自然”设计展,北京
2008  建筑乌托邦-中国年青建筑师,布鲁塞尔
2007  “西九龙梯田摩天楼”,香港双年展
2006  “中国当代”展,NAi荷兰建筑学会,鹿特丹
2005  作品“阳朔小街坊”,深圳双年展

张轲 演讲与教学:
2019  哈佛大学设计学院阿卡汗教席,授课Option Studio “Habitat KASHGAR”,剑桥,马萨诸塞州,美国

2018  哈佛大学设计学院客座教授,授课Option Studio “栖居/造园/存在”,剑桥,马萨诸塞州,美国
2018  悉尼设计周主题讲演,澳大利亚
2017  哈佛大学设计学院 Design Critic in Architecture,授课Option Studio “西藏当代”,剑桥,马萨诸塞州,美国
2017/09/12  芬兰地亚大厦演讲,赫尔辛基,芬兰
2017/10/24  “Current Work: ZAO/standardarchitecture”,纽约建筑联盟,美国
2016  哈佛大学设计学院阿卡汗教席,授课Option Studio “胡同新陈代谢”,剑桥,马萨诸塞州,美国
2016/11/14  “Aga Khan Lecture”,哈佛大学设计学院,剑桥,马萨诸塞州,美国
2016  清华大学建筑学院特聘设计导师,授课 “园宅”,北京,中国
2015/09/02  智利天主教大学演讲,圣地亚哥,智利
2015/06/27  Zumtobel Lichtforum 开幕演讲,奥地利
2015/05/28   AIA“纽约·北京·纽约——2015当代中国建筑展”演讲,美国
2015/02/05  “Rethinking Basics”, KW当代艺术中心,柏林,德国
2014  清华大学建筑学院特聘设计导师,授课 “1KM-HIGH城乡聚落”,北京,中国
2013/10/26  中西建筑师论坛演讲, 同济大学,上海,中国
2012/04/18  “Re-thinking Basics” 米兰设计周张轲专场讲演
2012/03/22  “Material and Design” 立面及窗系统大会, 张轲与冯格康专场,纽伦堡, 德国
2012/03/21  “From New York to Beijing and Beyond”, 张轲专场讲演,德国建筑博物馆, 法兰克福, 德国
2011/11/11  “Fast & Good, Moor & Sustainable?”, 国际建筑 2.0 研讨会, 鹿特丹, 荷兰
2011/09/23  “Three buildings in Tibet”, 维奇奥城堡博物馆(Museum Castevechio),维罗纳,意大利
2011/09/19  “Design with Basic Materials”, Cersaie大会, 博洛尼亚,意大利
2010/09/01  “Recent Designs of standardarchitecture”, 赫尔辛基设计周,芬兰
2010/08/28  “Vacancy in China”, “空置”研讨会,威尼斯双年展荷兰馆,威尼斯,意大利
2010/08/26  “Harmoniuos Beijing 2030”, 奥迪城市未来奖大展,威尼斯双年展,意大利
2010/05/25  “Harmonious Beijing 2030”, 奥迪城市未来奖活动,英国皇家建协,伦敦
在各大学的讲演包括: 清华大学,同济大学,东南大学,天津大学,香港中文大学,香港大学,中央美术学院等

张轲/标准营造的作品及论文广泛的发表在国际、国内专业杂志上(包括但不限于以下): Casabella(意大利), Detail(德国), Bauwelt(德国), WA世界建筑, a+u建筑与都市(日本), T+A时代建筑, Mark(荷兰), Frame(荷兰), C3(韩国), Weltbilder(德国), Domus(意大利), Phaidon(英国), Interni(意大利), Area(意大利), Topos(德国), Garten+Landschaft(德国), Architecture Record(美国), Harvard Design Magazine哈佛设计杂志(美国), 等等。

Present Collaborators

Zhang Ke

Fang Shujun 

Brad Hooks

Hua Yunsi 

Huang Qianru

Huang Tanyu

Epp Jerlei 

Luciano Ricci

Nelly  Vitiello

Wang Feng 

Wang Tong 

Yang Dong 

Yu Yihua 

Zhang Yehan 

Zhu Bingzhe

Past Collaborators 
Daniele Baratelli, Niccoló Calabrese De Feo, Roberto Caputo, Sofya Chebotareva, Chen Ling, Cheng Chenyue, Alejandro Cirugeda San Roman, Dai Haifei, Stefano Di Daniel, Margret Domko, Du Boliang, Clémentine Dufaut, Léone Drapeaud, Paolo Failla, Nathalie Frankowski, Jochen Friedrichs, Cruz Garcia, Ge Wei, Jiyoon Gu, Gaetano Guerrera, Thomas Guilhen, He Kuang, Hou Xinjue, Hou Zhenghua, Ao Ikigami, Amy Kim, Shinhye Kim, Johan Tristan Kinnucan, Farzad Lee, Li Shan, Shirley Vong Liew, Yunan Liu, Felix Cruz Marcos, Martina Muratori, Ana Paisano, Mattia Passeri, Joao Dias Pereira, Ilaria Positano, Hee Young Pyun, Qian Yiru, Jesper Rieter, Shi Aocheng, Shi Qianlan, Giacomo Squaquara, Sun Qingfeng, Sun Wei, Sun Yu, Claudia Taborda, Guido Tesio,   Wang Liying ,Wang Lulu, Shasha Wang, Wang Shuo, Tommy Wang, Wang Xiangxiang, Ho Nam Wong, Jeffrey Wong, Xu Shiying, Yang Jialin, Yang Xinrong, Jackie Yong, Yu Yaohan, Yu Qin, Zhang Hong, Zhang Mingming, Zhang Yanping, Zhang Yifan, Zhao Sheng, Zhao Yang , Zhou Yijing

ZAO 标准营造

No.2 Huangsi Street Dongcheng District Beijing China Postcode: 100011
Fax: 86-10-62630248
Tel: 86-10-62634351
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ZAO 标准营造

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