ZAO’s solo exhibition in Bielefelder Kunstverein
11 February 2017

Located near Hanover and Düsseldorf, Bielefeld is home to a significant number of renowned companies (such as Schüco), and with other famous firms, including Miele and Bertelsmann, nearby. Besides abundant art collections, architecture works by architects like Philip Johnson, Frank Gehry and Sou Fujimoto can also be found in the city. Every two years, Bielefelder Kunstverein holds an architectural exhibition, with former participants like Alejandro Aravena and RCR. 

From Bielefelder Kunstverein:
With ZAO/standardarchitecture, the Bielefelder Kunstverein is featuring an important representative of the Chinese architectural scene this year…By inviting ZAO/standardarchitecture under the title, 营造 YÍNG ZÀO (to build, to construct, to make), we would like to offer a deeper insight into the architectural development and approach of a Chinese architect. The selection of projects focuses on architecture’s socio-cultural responsibility and a practice particularly interested in micro houses.

靠近汉诺威和杜塞尔多夫,比勒费尔德是包括Schüco在内的众多著名企业的总部所在地;其他知名公司,例如Miele和Bertelsmann,也位于其附近。比勒费尔德具有较发达的艺术品收藏,同时在城内可看到Philip Johnson、Frank Gehry以及藤本壮介等人的建筑作品。比勒费尔德艺术协会每两年举办一次建筑展,Alejandro Aravena和RCR都曾受邀参加。

今年,标准营造作为中国建筑界重要代表,受邀在比勒费尔德艺术协会举办个展。……通过这次题为“营造 YÍNG ZÀO”的展览,我们希望能够深入探讨一位中国建筑师的建筑观。展出的建筑项目侧重表现建筑学的社会和文化责任,及关于微尺度建筑的独到实践。

Photographer: Dennis Neuschaefer-Rube, Zhang Ke 
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