ZAO/standardarchitecture at Chicago Architecture Biennial
16 September 2017
Zhang Ke, ZAO/standardarchitecture, is invited to participate in the second edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial (“Make New History” curated by Johnston Marklee, from September 16, 2017 to January 7, 2018), the largest architecture and design exhibition in North America.
The installation is named “Make New Hutong Metabolism”, presenting three projects located in the hutong areas of Beijing: Micro Yuan’er Children’s Library and Art Centre, Micro Hutong and Co-living Courtyard by architect Zhang Ke and his ZAO/standardarchitecture. It explores alternative perspectives of looking at China’s historical cities and their problems, to consider them as living organisms, to study them both as macro scale infrastructures and in micro scale units, to respond to the problems with both historic and futuristic thinking, and to explore the potential of old hutongs and courtyards as generator of communal spaces and catalyst of social interaction.
张轲/标准营造 受邀参加第二届芝加哥建筑双年展。作为北美最大的建筑及设计类展览,本届芝加哥建筑双年展以“创造新历史”(Make New History,由Johnston Marklee策展)为主题,将于2017年9月16日至2018年1月7日期间吸引来自世界各地的大量参观者。
标准营造为此届双年展带来了名为“创造新胡同新陈代谢”(Make New Hutong Metabolism)的装置。展览以张轲及其带领的标准营造团队在北京完成的三个胡同改造项目为主要内容:“微杂院”儿童图书馆及艺术中心、“微胡同”和“共生院”。它为世界展示了对待北京旧城悠久历史及现状问题的不同切入点——视历史老城区为具有生命的有机体;将其作为宏观尺度的基础设施系统及微观尺度的独立个体来研究;以具有历史认知的未来性思考去回应发展中遇到的种种问题;并激发胡同院落具有的成为公共空间发生器及社会交流催化剂之潜力。