un-natural growing
16 April 2009

It is part of an exhibition named as “Un-Natural” sponsored by Formica. The work is a result out of a series of experimental ideas, which sometimes appear in our architectural practice, and some of them have become the key word of our projects, whereas others still remains in our minds. These ideas are loosely connected, and we have been unable to give clear answers to these ideas yet, so what we can say is that these ideas relate to architecture and city, artificial and natural, agriculture and landscape, environment and lifestyle and other problems we must confront in our daily work and life. This exhibit tries to keep openness to all questions instead of pointing to a specific thought, which is the start of our experimental mind. Meanwhile, it is not limited to a certain scale, it can be as small as a decoration on the table or as large as a city. The span of scale corresponds to the multilevel nature of the problem.