01 March 2010
ARCHITECT:Standardarchitecture Zhao Yang Studio
Mirui Road is a tourist road that meets Highway 318 connecting Tibet and Sichuan province. This road meanders southwards along the Niyang River. Within this 20km distance to the Brahmaptra Canyon, the specific terrain and landscape of Niyang River can be enjoyed from the road. Daze Village was chosen to be the entrance to this tourist attraction. There is little land left for further development in this village, therefore the river beach along the road was the only choice for the site of a tourist center.
The road separates the river beach from the nearby mountain. How to establish relationships between an isolated building and its surroundings is the main concern of our design. The building's exterior boundary is a response to the border conditions. The inner public space is "carved" out from the irregular-shaped volume. The central courtyard connects four openings, responding to the orientations and circulation. The left over mass after "carving" accommodates three major interior functions:a ticket office, a dressing room for rafting and toilets. This seemingly arbitrary plan is actually shaped by circulation, program and site conditions. The geometric character of the volume and space forms a dialogue with the surrounding landscape.
The construction of this building adopted and developed the techniques of the Tibetan vernacular. On top of the concrete foundation a 600mm thick load-bearing wall is erected. Most openings have deep recessions. The 400mm thick walls at both sides of the openings work as buttresses, increasing the overall structural stability and reducing the interior span as well. Beams for bigger spans are made from several small logs bonded together. A 150mm thick layer of Aga clay covers the waterproof membrane. Aga clay is a vernacular waterproofing material. It stiffens when tampered with water and works as another layer of waterproofing and heat insulation. Its plasticity allows gutters to be shaped. Roof drainage is well organized with these gutters and channel steel scuppers.
Color is a crucial element of Tibetan visual culture. We introduce a color installation into the building's inner public space. The local mineral pigments are directly painted on the stone surfaces. The transitions of colors highlight the geometric transitions of space. From morning to dusk, the sunshine changes its direction and altitude angle, penetrating through the different openings. When passing through the building, people perceive ever-changing color combination from diferent perspective and at different time. There is no cultural symbolism in this color concept. These colors are abstract. They multiply the spatial experience and also work as an performance of colors independent from the concept of architecture.
T0talArea:430 m²
Structure System:Stone load-bearing Wall + timber roof
Cost:l000 000 rmb
Design Phase:2009.0l-2009.05
Construction Phase:2009.06-2009.10
Design Team:Zhao Yan,Chen Ling
Critic Team:Zhang Ke,Zhang Hong,Hou Zhenghua
Contractor: Hu Qiliang
photographer: Chen Su
米瑞公路是318国道(川藏线)在林芝县分出的一条旅游公路,这条公路沿着尼洋河谷东岸婉蜒起伏的河岸线向南延伸,在通往雅鲁藏布江大峡谷的20 km距离内,尼洋河谷独特的地貌一览无余。公路沿线的达则村被选为这条观光线路的起点,达则村的可建设用地所剩无多,村口的一片滩涂因此成为修建游客接待站的不二选择。
整个工程采用并发展了西藏民居的传统建造技术。混凝土基础以上便是600 mm厚的毛石承重墙体。大部分门窗洞口都深深地凹入墙面,洞口两侧的墙体作为扶壁墙在结构上增加了建筑的整体刚度,同时也减小了室内空间跨度,屋面采用简支梁和檩条体系的木结构,局部跨度较大的木梁用200 mm×300 mm的木材拼合而成。卷材防水以上覆盖了150 mm厚的阿嘎土。阿嘎土是西藏建筑中常见的屋面防水材料,疏松的粘土在加水反复拍打后板结,形成可靠的屋面防水层和保温层。我们还利用阿嘎土的塑性在槽口内侧拍打出檐沟,并用槽钢加工的雨水口形成有组织排水。
建筑面积:430 m²
工程造价:l000 000 rmb